Bhart Group of Institutions

Alumni Talks

Alumni's Memories


Investigation Officer in Sun Pharma
(Batch 2018- 2022 Course- B. Pharmacy)

Hello Dear Bharatians It gives me immense pleasure to share my professional journey with you. 5 years ago in 2018 , I stepped into Bharat Group of Institutions to earn a degree in Pharmacy to enrichmy education. I am grateful that I completed my studies from Bharat College.
I must say it was my best decision, I ever made so far, to choose Bharat College. My Belief is “First Believe in yourself and then Believe in the institution”.

Aakash Bhardwaj

Business Officer in Ipca Laboratories
(Batch 2016- 2018 Course - D. Pharmacy)

Success in life depends on proper planning and execution of plan. Fortunately, I got through in “Bharat Group Of Institutions” Those 2 college years was the marvelous journey of my life. The education and experience during the college days has molded me to shape my career and helped me discover the professionalism within me. I am very thankful and proud to have such a motivating, supporting, and enthusiastic Principal and all teaching staff that have taught me to carry myself through any up hills and challenges of life.

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